compare visitor to Canada insurance with Healthquotes

Compare Visitor To Canada Insurance

Note that we do not quote multi-trip plans. If you want a quote for a multi-trip plan please contact us.

Coverage GMS Allianz Manulife RSA
Single Trip VTC Plan Single Trip Plan A Single Trip Plan B VTC Plan
Sum Insured $25K, $50K, $100K or $150K $10K, $25K, $50K, $100K or $150K $15K, $25K, $50K, $100K or $150K * $150K 15K, $25K, $50K, $100K, $150K and 300K (not quoted)
Max. Trip Duration 180 days 365 days 365 days 365 days 365 days
Coverage available after
30 days in Canada?1
($1,000 deductible and 7 day waiting period)
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Covered once departed
from home country?
Yes Yes Yes (cannot leave airport on a stop-over) Yes (cannot leave airport on a stop-over) Yes
Deductible $1,000, $500, $100 or 0$ $100, $250, $1,000 or $3,000 0$, $75, $500 or $1,000 0$, $75, $500 or $1,000 0$, $100 or $500 for applicants age 86+
Emergency Medical Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emergency Hospital Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emergency Ambulance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accidental Dental Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Repatriation to Residence Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Return of Vehicle No No No No No
Return of Deceased Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Follow Ups Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Subsistence Allowance Yes Yes Yes Yes No
AD&D No Yes No No No
Terrorism, War
and Conflicts
No Yes No No No
Waiting Periods 48 hours after arrival or 7 days3 48 hours after effective date** 48 hours**** 48 hours**** 48 hours, 7 days or 15 days*****
Refund of Premium2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

* $150,000 is only available for those people aged 69 or less.

** There is a waiting period if you purchase your policy after arriving in Canada.

*** 72 hour waiting period only applies if policy is purchased within 30 days of arrival in Canada.

**** There is a 48-hour waiting period following your effective date of insurance if you purchase your policy: after the expiry date of an existing Manulife policy or; after you leave home (a claim due to sickness during a waiting period is not covered).

***** If 85 or under and your effective date of insurance is within 30 days of arrival in Canada then the wait period is 48 hours. If 85 or under and coverage is purchased more than 30 days after arrival then the wait period is 7 days. If age 86 or over and coverage is purchased at any time after your arrival in Canada, then the wait period is 15 days following the effective date of this policy.

1 Dependent upon age(s) of the insured.

2 Refunds available only if there have been no claims (or pending claims) for that policy.

3 Waiting period does not apply to medical emergencies resulting from injury. Also, there is a 7 day waiting period if you apply for coverage and have been in Canada for more than 30 days.